HEAT uses VR and AI to make training more authentic, memorable and measurable. Training in authentic VR environments reduces risk to your employees, improves operational performance and reduces the cost and disruption of real world training or simulators. HEAT gathers rich data sets from the VR scenarios and then applies AI to deliver insights on performance to your organisation. HEAT has 3 main components – onboarding, training & analytics.
HEAT allows you to create user profiles on the encrypted application allowing you to track & measure progress over time. The HEAT dashboard is accessible anywhere via the cloud based platform. You can sign into your dashboard to review training, view analytics & set training parameters for the training experience.

Authentic virtual training environments allow you to conduct better, safer training without the cost and disruption of traditional training & simulators. Create virtual twins of your key equipment or activities to allow your employees to train without disrupting operations. Codify the knowledge and experience of your best instructors to ensure all employees receive standardised, high quality training. Rich data sets are also generated and captured in VR training.
You will receive AI powered reports and insights accessible anywhere via our cloud-based dashboard. These can be sent to you in PDF form or accessible from your device. These reports allow you to measure and track training effectiveness while also identifying predictive indicators of future performance. These reports will provide insights to your organisation that were previously impossible to unlock.

What are the benefits of using HEAT
Training in a virtual world reduces risk for your employees, decreasing injuries & deaths in the workplace. It enhances operations, saving time, spending less on traveling & planning. HEAT uses artificial intelligence to gather data, which analyses the productivity of training.
View HEAT PDF here

Reduce Employee Risk
Training in a virtual world reduces risk for your employees, decreasing injuries & deaths in the workplace

Enhance Operations
Authentic virtual training environments allow you to conduct measurable & memorable training, without the cost and disruption of traditional training & simulators

Data-Driven Insights
Measure and track training effectiveness, while also identifying predictive indicators of future performance
Better Training Leads To Better Outcomes